
Mart, 2017 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Run Forrest Run

FORREST GUMP Hi! This week we joined a wiki page called Wikispace , which is totally free, and created a wiki over a film that has gained Oscar Award.This was a team work again and I worked with Nasiba Dosmuradova. We chose Forrest Gump which is the most impressive film I have ever watched. This was a good experience for me.  I had really great fun. Also,it is applicable in language learning classes if you have intention to use technology in your classes. I highly recommend you to create a wiki page on which children express their feelings about any topic. So, maybe you would like to see my wiki. here!

Eating 21. Century Apples

21. century bears great importance in terms of politics, education and technology. The most importance is over education with the help of technology. Technology makes everything easier, let alone education. So, the question is what makes 21. century learning so called? It is made up of the combination of information, skills and development. Technology in that combination is a facilitator and in a good working order. Also, the team work is encouraged in the classrooms, which creates a cooperative environment and helps students to develop social bonds and responsibility. Some other skills that bring success to the learners are critical thinking, problem solving and interrogative questioning.With this in mind; learners are supposed to be creative, curious, enthusiastic to learn, and imaginative. In this way, the educators try to create the ideal learner. I must say that the importance of technology is great in 21. century learning.One can learn anything he likes on the Internet. ...


Hi. Hola. Welcome to my blog. I'm so happy to feel your existence. You are here, I know it. Maybe, you are curious about my nickname. It is all about my desire for reading books and being free to do so. I don't mind doing homework if I want to read a book.I suggest you do so and what you like.  Now I'm coming to the point. This is the first time I have created  a blog and this is my very first post. It is so exciting, I'm so excited. I know everyone has their own business and time is valuable. But I promise you don't lose any time by reading my  posts about English Language Teaching I will share. So be in contact. Take care. Yours!                                                    ...